CONNECT-DynaRank is Petrel plug-in for ranking of multiple realizations based on dynamic criteria. The program calculates dynamic connectivity of each models based on the diffusive time of flight-DTOF from Fast Marching Method.

What is Dynamic Ranking ?

Dynamic Ranking with LINK-WellOpt and Future Status of CONNECT-DynaRank
CONNECT-DynaRank is the first program that was developed based on Fast Marching Method (FMM) to rank multiple realizations. In 2016, we have decided to build a separate new Petrel plug-in that significantly improve the way the FMM is calculated as well as added much more feature compare to what it does with CONNECT-DynaRank. The new plug-in is named as LINK-WellOpt. In the near future, we will completely replace CONNECT-DynaRank with LINK-WellOpt. Therefore, current user of CONNECT-DynaRank is recommended to upgrade their program into LINK-WellOpt.