LINK-AutoGridPlus is the extension of LINK-AutoGrid program. While LINK-AutoGrid program generates variably space grid and assigned permeability to it, the LINK-AutoGridPlus program extends the feature by calculating the drainage volume and interference region among the wells in the model using the propagation time of Fast Marching Method (FMM). The objective is to be able to find the optimum number wells that gives maximum recovery with minimum interference among all wells. Interference region is defined as the area where each grid block contributes the production to more than 1 well.

LINK-AutoGrid Plus allows you to generate 3D properties that show how the level of interference evolves through time. The user needs to provide the schedule file for which these properties should be created. The grid cells where there is no interference will be linked to the wells that drain most of their volume at a particular time.
Input Data for LINK-AutoGridPlus
The main input for LINK-AutoGridPlus in calculating the interference is porosity and permeability of the model. Other required information are Cell Dimension (which can be generated using Geometrical Modeling of Petrel), Viscosity, Compressibility, and Production Schedule.
What are the output of the program
The program calculates the percentage of interference as a function of time.

Where can I get more info to acquire/test this plug-in?
This plug-in has NOT yet been released. It is due released by the end of Sept 2017.